The New Year is the ideal time when we decide to make resolutions, in the hope of achieving them. Common resolutions many people make are to lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately this does not always go to plan and we pick up healthier eating habits later in the year. Some people are encouraged to be healthier prior to the summer season, a reason to look good on the beach or during vacation. For many it may be an all year round goal, to loose and maintain a healthy weight.
I personally do not believe in diets or quick fixes, they may work, but I see being healthy as a lifestyle choice and not just for a month or two. Eating healthily does not appeal to many people. To some, it may simply outline the words ‘restriction’ or ‘deprivation’. From personal experience, I can assure you this is not the case. Once you have mastered balance and grasped the concept of ‘everything in moderation’ with an effective exercise plan, you may be well on your way to a healthier you.
Miracles do not occur overnight. It may take weeks or
months, varying from person to person, to loose weight. Striving towards a goal and keeping
a mental image, of what you imagine your future self to look like, is an excellent motivator. A rigorous exercise plan and low calorie intake are two things I swear
by. You probably have heard from alternative sources, the similar theories
behind loosing weight. Nonetheless, we all have our personal health techniques,
which we adjust to our needs and they work for us.
By changing your attitude and approach on how your perceive
healthy eating is a start. Pushing forwards to maintain a healthy balanced
diet, with regular exercise will work to your benefit. I will share some tips
that I find helpful. They may or may not be suitable for you. The most
important thing before changing your eating patterns or switching to a
healthier diet, is to speak with your GP, or health consultant, they may be more
familiar with your needs and requirements and could set out a healthy diet
plan, catering to your needs.
- Consuming less carbs- white bread, pasta, and rice- if you find carbs to be something difficult to give up, try opting for wholegrain options.
- Porridge is a super food and a perfect way to start your day- keeping you fuller for longer.
- Consuming more fruits- I find these to beat any sweet tooth cravings I have. A few favourites of mine include; bananas, raspberries, strawberries, peach and apples.
- Stacking your plate with vegetables and protein foods.
- Consuming protein foods such as eggs, fish and grilled chicken, give you the energy you require and are excellent for healthier skin, hair and nails.
- Avoiding sugary foods and beverages.
- Aiming to drink at least 1/2 litres of water, per day.
- Dining in restaurants should not be a nightmare; there will always be healthy options, which are not as heavy, such as salad dishes, chicken, fish steaks… etc.
- Treat yourself, in moderation- deprivation will only make your cravings stronger- popcorn or dark chocolate are always healthy treat options.
- Plan your meals, starting off with a generous breakfast- your meal portions should decrease in size, throughout the day.
- Hold off from consuming any food 4/5 hours before bed.
- Burn it off. Join a gym, pair up with a buddy and go for jogs.
- Try aiming to work out for at least 2 hours per day, for 4/5 days a week- this will tone up any loose ends.
- If you find exercise difficult to fit into your schedule, walking to places, catching the stairs as opposed to elevators are always beneficial.
- Keep a diary and making notes of any achievements you have made are excellent motivating factors.
- Enjoy you health and success… dig into that bowl of fruits. Go wild. J
Disclaimer: the advice above may or may not work for you. The tips I have mentioned are subjective; they helped me lead a healthier lifestyle. I cannot guarantee they will work miracles. I can only hope they will work for you. I wish you the best of luck.
A. Boston.
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