Friday, 31 May 2013

A chilly start...

I plan my outfits according to the weather and there are certain days I dread- the cold and wet ones. If only summer was an all year round season. However, I ensure I still give off a trendy feel with my outfits and that is what I was aiming for today. Bad weather is no excuse, to put you off from styling yourself and nor should it be a hindrance on your wardrobe.

My outfit for the day was inspired by the chilly morning. I managed to shoot images of my attire, for about 15 minutes. After calling it quits, a result of not being able to feel my hands… brrr.

A floral print shirt and some trendy black jeans, is what I started the day off with, when the temperature dropped, I opted to throw on my Hilton chequered blazer jacket... Striking poses was the best part. J

Floral shirt- Monsoon.
Jeans- Mango.
Jacket- Monsoon.
Boots- Vinatge. 

A.Boston. X

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