Sunday, 25 August 2013

The Liebster Award

It was a week or two ago when I was working on my blog post; I received a notification from Annie, who I would like to thank, for nominating me for the Liebster Award. Thanks Annie. You can find the link to her awesome blog below.

My instant feeling was of excitement and joy. I’m not familiar with the Liebster award, so I searched Google, as you would. Google knows everything. I stumbled upon a few bloggers who had received the same nomination as me. Reading through a few posts dedicated to the Liebster Award, I decided to work on my post.

For those of you who are not familiar with terms of the Liebster award. The main purpose is to attract attention to great bloggers, who deserve more recognition. I have to share 11 random facts about myself and answer the 10 questions Annie Jepson set me. I then have to create a set of my own questions, which my nominations have to answer. In this case I cannot find 11 blogs who deserve my nomination.

I might be breaking a few rules here, but everyone deserves the chance to be nominated, especially if you put a lot of effort into your blogging. Here is my twist; I nominate anyone who is a devout blogger to answer my set of questions. To any of you bloggers reading this, I nominate you, best of luck. Here goes...

11 random facts about me.

1.  I met the lovely Emilia Clarke from ‘The Game of Thrones”, in New York and she wished me a happy birthday. In fact it wasn’t my birthday, it was my sister's. 

2. Adam Sandler is my favourite comedy actor; he also makes an awesome director.

3. I love food. Literally. Especially sweet food. I can consume a whole load of food in one day it actually scares me. At times I feel like participating in those food challenges… a bit similar to the ‘Man v. Food’.

4.  I spend most of my day online, on YouTube. Viewing comedy and vine videos. After watching the clips, I instantly share them with my family and friends, who don’t find them as funny as I. This places me in an awkward situation.

5. When I was young I thought I would grow up to be a famous singer and dancer… still waiting for that to happen… Anytime soon…

6. I love performing. Whenever I can find the chance I will sing or dance- even if it’s in the supermarket.

7.  I’m very indecisive, especially when shopping. I can take up to an hour or two deciding what to purchase.

8. I enjoy travelling. I want to travel the world. A few places I have visited include, Italy, Portugal, Morocco, Washington and New York.  I still have a whole lot of world to see.

9. I share the same birthday as the late princess Diana (of England).

10. I collect movies. I have a collection of ever-growing DVDs reaching 70. Not far from a 100.

11. Till date I have kept hold of my small toy rabbit, called Jerry. She has a broken arm, which I carried out a funeral for, in my back yard. We’ve been friends since I was 9 and it’s going strong.

Annie Jepson’s 10 questions answered.

1. Who is that one person who puts a smile on your face everyday or animal? I don’t have any pets, I had a gold fish once… it died. However I rarely smile when I wake up because I would rather sleep in, but on occasions text messages from my best friends make me smile.

2.  Where do you see yourself in 10 years? In 10 years time I see myself working in the events industry. Or working with Vogue magazine (if only). 

3. What is your favourite time of the day and what do you like to do in that time? My favourite time of day has to be lunchtime, because I can eat, something I enjoy doing. Technically I eat something every hour of the day. 

4.  Which do you prefer summer or winter? I prefer winter because the winter fashion and trends are fabulous. It also means heavy snowfall and we all know what that means… don’t drive.

5.  If you could not do one chore for the rest of your life what would it be? Cleaning the bathroom and toilet. The reason being, a few weeks ago the toilet claimed the life of Justin, my iPhone 4- who now lies in a bag full of rice to recover. I found this funky tip on Google; to save any iPhone… does it work? Hell no. 

6. Favourite book or film? I’m very indecisive, as I like the best of both worlds. Although I’m a huge movie junkie, Pineapple Express has to be my current comedy favourite. I have memorised every single line form that movie. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is my favourite book.

7. What's the best thing about being a blogger? The best thing about being a blogger is sharing great tips and pictures with people form all over the world. Making new friends. Also knowing that people may take my advice and use it constructively brings me joy.

8. Which editing device do you like to use when editing your photos? I use a few editing apps, mainly located on my iPhone 5. My favourite has to be the Instagram editing app, as it can enhance any image and bring out its quality.

9. What are you most passionate about? I am very passionate about many things, but the one thing I spend a lot of time on is fashion. An outfit can make a person feel confident even if you don’t feel it. I find clothes to be very empowering and I believe everyone should take pride in their wardrobe. I live by the saying, life is a catwalk, make every moment count.

10. What rule would you live by if you could choose and everyone would have to follow? Subscribing to my blog would be a start, just kidding. Love. Eat. Peace- these would be a trifecta of my ruling.

10 questions I would like you to answer.

1. Who inspires you?

2. Which famous person would play you in a movie?

3.  Who is your style icon?

4. What would your ultimate meal be?

5. Ryan Gosling or Bradley Cooper?

6.  Favourite fashion house (haute couture)?

7. Favourite high street store?

8. Best beauty product?

9. What is your dream career?

10. What is the best thing about blogging?

I hope you enjoyed this post. Have a lovely weekend. 

A. Boston. 

Monday, 19 August 2013

Back to The Seaside...

I spent my day at the seaside with my family and friends. We have an annual gathering, which involves spending a day on the beach, just relaxing and enjoying ourselves. It gives me the opportunity to take some amazing pictures of the sea and the sunset… that and building on my tan.

The seaside attracts many people, tourists, families, friends and even lovers, to enjoy moments in the sun. I remember my first time travelling to the beach as a child; it was great although the ocean was daunting. I ensured I was a few good meters away from the tide, as I would have all sorts of images playing in my mind- Ones of me being swept away into the ocean and never to return. That has all changed now, although I hardly ever make a plunge into the ocean, I still keep my distance by a couple of meters. My best seaside memories consist of gigantic ice cream cones and cotton candy.

My day was full of sun, fun and laughter. Lounging by the beach, hanging with my friends Hello Kitty and Sponge Bob, eating ice cream cones on a loop and spotting jellyfish. The weather was the greatest it had been in days- yes I caught some sun. I now have a weird tan line on my wrist. a result of keeping my watch on, throughout the day. 

I definitely recommend seaside visits, especially if you want a vacation or a small day trip to relax. Or if you prefer a very calm atmosphere, with none of that city hustle and bustle with crowds of people. Although I’m the city type of person, a visit to the beach won’t hurt anyone. Especially if ice cream and candy is involved. Have a happy Monday. I hope you have an awesome start to the week.

A. Boston.  


Wednesday, 7 August 2013

How to make a Reese's and Oreo bomb...

I love food. I could eat all day, everyday and wouldn’t know when to stop. Literally. I enjoy the company of food paired with the social aspect of hanging with friends, or food to accompany a movie night, and similarly.

Spending my time surfing the web recently, I came across a wonderful, heaven sent, quick and easy recipe to create. The two godly sent combined foods… yes I’m talking Reese’s and Oreos. Chocolate bombs, I assume that’s what they are called. Many people call them all sorts. I prefer the first, as it describes just that- a bomb. It explodes in your mouth, all the flavours of sweetness setting your taste buds on fire.

The food addict that I am, I wasted no time in trying out this recipe and it was great. Alternatively there is a 15 second video, on my Instagram account. If you prefer visual instruction, as opposed to reading a step-by-step guide. It genuinely is the simplest of recipes. No baking is involved. Only melting the chocolate and a cooling period in the fridge/freezer afterwards.

What you will need: 
  1. Waxed paper to place and set the chocolate bombs onto (tin foil works wonders also). 
  2. Oreos pack. Preferably double stuffed- although the standard ones work just as fine.
  3. Reese’s peanut butter cups.
  4. A large bar of white (or milk) chocolate, to melt.
  5. Sprinkles to cover your bombs… or crumbled pieces of Oreos to sprinkle on top, if you want to stick with a constant theme. 

Separate the Oreos, ensuring the cream stays on one side. Set them out onto waxed paper, or tin foil.

Place a Reese’s cup on each Oreo and cover with another cream sided Oreo.  

Boil some water in a pan. Break the chocolate pieces and place in a glass bowl to cover the pan. Mix the chocolate until a creamy, chocolate liquid is formed.

Place your Reese’s and Oreo bomb in the melted chocolate and swirl until it is doused in chocolate. Place the covered bomb back on the waxed paper/tin foil and repeat the process.

Place your finished Reese’s and Oreo bombs in the fridge or freezer, for about 15 minutes.

Your chocolate bombs are ready to be decorated. Sprinkle on some love and place them back into the fridge for another 5/10 minutes.

Your Reese’s and Oreo bombs are ready to be demolished. Bon appétit.

Please note there may be alternative methods available on how to make Reese’s and Oreo bombs. Mine may slightly differ.

I hope you enjoy this recipe. Go ahead and try out a piece of heaven for yourself. Have a fabulous day.

A. Boston.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Friends For Ever...

It was my best friends 21st birthday and I spent the day with the closets friends I have. We enjoyed a day full of fun activities and food galore. We reminisced about how long we have been friends and all the past memories we have shared. An array of memories and images, exceeding the 18GB space I have on my USB- yes we enjoy taking pictures. I would like to thank not only my best friends from my home city, but also my friends from across the globe, for being the most supporting and awesome pals ever. We have a lifetime of memories to create ad more gigabytes of disk spaces to fill.

Friendship is truly a blessing. Being able to spend time with people who make you happy- and not only enjoying yourself, but people who genuinely care about you, encourage and inspire you to do good, it's a wonderful feeling. There are many definitions of a friendship, but for me a friend is someone who will always be there for you, as vague and clichéd as that sounds. Anyone can be labelled as a ‘friend’ but that’s not something that makes a friend. You have a duty to fill and you try your best to maintain your friendship.

During my early teenage years as a freshman in high school, I didn’t have a pool of friends. For me it was never the quantity; it was the quality of the friends I made. You can be surrounded by an ocean of friends, and yet feel lonely. In high school and throughout college, I have witnessed  people who were the 'closest of friends' get caught up in tangents, break up and then move on to making new friends. It seemed there were differing levels of friendship and amid all this it wasn’t hard for me to spot the great qualities in a good friend. I’m no psychologist, but I can tell the difference between a good friend and bad friend as I have experienced the latter in great doses.

I shall elaborate a little further, most of which is commonly said… a friend is someone who you can share everything with- secrets and food- yes caring is sharing. A friend tries their best to maintain a healthy relationship- planning meetings and outings, or if you live worlds apart, then a Skype session is always on hand. A friend can tell when something is wrong or upsetting you and they try their best to comfort you. A friend never lies and is honest, even if you hear an answer you weren’t expecting. A friend is someone who will bug you and demand for your attention. A friend is someone who you can picture will be in your future and throughout your lifetime. 

I have probably mentioned the obvious, but I feel we should be grateful for the friends we have in our lives- without them you wouldn’t be the happy person you are today... at least I wouldn’t. Take a moment to spare in your life and let you friends know how important they are. A constant reminder is a heartfelt gesture and makes your friendship grow stronger. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
